
Validating Markup

  Sure, making web pages just involes some HTML, and there you go, it displays on the browser. But what happens when theres a mistake that isn't shown by the browser, or theres one that your not sure how it happened and you don't know how to fix it. Well, luckly, theres an online tool to help check, or validate in most cases, your HTML/XHTML. Its is located at the W3C website (World Wide Web Consortum), validator.w3.org. Passing a validation is hard, especially for a beginner, trying to figure it all out. Once you do though, your giving the go ahead to put this:

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

onto your webpage that is validatated. Makes you feel that much better about yourself. :) So on this website, any page with the validation image on it is valid HTML/XHTML. Hurray! But, any page on this website that does not contain this image in the Navigation Bar isn't valid, and has errors in the HTML/XHTML code.